Corporate Incentives, Meetings & Charters


General FAQs
Charter FAQs
Groups FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

Please contact the Embassy (Consular Services) of each country on your sailing itinerary or the visa service of your choice for specific visa requirements, information, forms and fees for your nationality. It is the sole responsibility of the guest to identify and obtain all required travel documents for all ports. We strongly recommend that guests travel with a Passport. All Passports must be valid.

Get more information on Visa Requirements for U.S. Residents click here.
Get more information on Visa Requirements for Canadian Residents click here.

Visa Waiver Program 
This is a pre-travel authorization program for U.S. bound travelers from Visa Waiver Countries. This is a U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) program. The Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) is mandatory, and all travelers, regardless of age, from Visa Waiver Program (VWP) countries will be required to complete an online application similar to the I-94W and obtain an ESTA approval prior to boarding a carrier by air or sea to the United States under the VWP. For complete details, please refer to the U.S Department of State website. Guests who apply electronically will be required to present their ESTA authorization approval receipt in order to board the vessel on applicable voyages.

For countries currently listed on the U.S. Government website that are participating in the Visa Waiver Program, please visit the U.S Department of State website. Travelers from the VWP countries seeking to enter the United States will also be required to have in their possession a machine-readable passport. For Passport requirements for Visa Waiver Program applicants, visit the U.S Customs and Border Protection website.

All guests must ensure that they are medically and physically fit for travel. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) provide guidelines as to which vaccinations are required in each country. In many cases inoculations are recommended but in some circumstances they are required. We recommend that you check with your health care professional or a Travel Medicine Specialist certified by the WHO for guidance. Other informational resources can be accessed at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention‘s Traveler’s Health website or toll free at 1-800-232-4336, and the World Health Organization website

Family Legal Documents 
Should the last names of the parent and minor child traveling with them differ, the parent is required to present the child’s valid passport and visa (if required) and the child’s government-issued birth certificate (original, a notarized copy, or a certified copy). The name of the parent(s) and the child must be linked through legal documentation.

Adults who are not the parent or legal guardian of any minor child traveling with them are required to present the child’s valid passport and visa (if required) or the child’s government-issued birth certificate (original, a notarized copy or a certified copy) and an original notarized letter signed by at least one of the child’s parents. The notarized letter from the child’s parent must authorize the traveling adult to take the child on the specific cruise and must authorize the traveling adult to supervise the child and permit any medical treatment that must be administered to the child. If a non-parent adult is a legal guardian, the adult must present a certified Certificate of Guardianship with respect to the child.

Throughout its history, Celebrity Cruises® has provided its guests with a wide variety of cruise experiences that lead to exceptional vacations. You may also find that one of the most amazing parts of your cruise experience will be the many rich and varied cultures represented among our guests. This diversity offers a chance to learn about different parts of the world and to make new friends. But just as a new friend can enhance your vacation experience, some guests may behave in ways you find unusual or undesirable. Since our guests do come from different and diverse backgrounds, it is important that everyone have a common understanding of the behavioral standards in place on Celebrity Cruises ships.

This Guest Conduct Policy is intended to help ensure that all guests enjoy a safe and enjoyable cruise experience and sets forth standards of conduct for guests to follow throughout their vacation, including transfers to and from ships, inside terminals, while onboard, at ports-of-call, during shore excursions and at our private destinations. This policy is not intended to be all inclusive, and it is likely there will be conduct issues that it does not specifically address. In that event, as in all others, guests are expected to follow the direction of the ship’s Captain who will take appropriate action to ensure the safety, security and well-being of our guests. In addition to this policy, guests are expected to comply with all applicable laws of the various countries that their cruise visits. Updates to the Guest Conduct Policy may be made between publications of this directory.

For the comfort and enjoyment of our guests, our ships are designated as non-smoking; however, we recognize that some of our guests smoke. Therefore, to provide an onboard environment that also satisfies smokers, we have designated certain areas of the ship as “smoking areas.” Generally, smoking is not permitted except in designated areas. (Contact Guest Relations for additional details). This policy includes smoking-like products such as electronic cigarettes.

Smoking is not permitted inside any guest stateroom; nor on any guest veranda. If a guest is in violation of this policy, a cleaning fee of $250 USD will be applied to their SeaPass® account and the guest may be subject to further action pursuant to the “Consequences Section” of this Guest Conduct Policy.

Celebrity Cruises kindly asks all guests to please observe the non-smoking areas and to refrain from smoking cigarettes, pipes or cigars in any of the non-designated areas. These requests are made to provide a comfortable shipboard environment for everyone. Where permitted, cigarettes, cigars and pipe tobacco must always be properly disposed of and never thrown overboard. A guest must be at least 18 years of age to purchase, possess or use tobacco.

Celebrity Cruises guests are expected to be responsible for their actions at all times, including during transfers to and from ships, inside terminals, while onboard, at our ports of call, during shore excursions and at our private destinations. Consuming alcohol to excess impairs one’s judgment and reduces one’s ability to recognize and avoid potentially dangerous situations.

Guests who choose to consume alcohol must do so responsibly. The ship’s staff may refuse to serve alcoholic beverages to any guest who does not consume alcohol responsibly, including those who have purchased an all-inclusive beverage package. Ship’s personnel may request verification of a guest’s age to verify they are of age to consume alcohol pursuant to this policy. Any guest that violates this alcohol policy will be considered for disciplinary action pursuant to the “Consequences Section” of this Guest Conduct Policy, and may lose their privileges to use areas or facilities of the ship.

Guests are not permitted to bring alcoholic beverages onboard; with the exception of embarkation day when guests are permitted to bring onboard with them up to two (2) bottles of wine (which are subject to a corkage fee) per stateroom. Security may inspect containers (including water bottles, soda bottles, mouthwash, canteens, etc.) at any time and will dispose of alcohol concealed in such containers. Alcoholic beverages that are purchased from onboard shops or in ports of call (which must be presented to security upon re-boarding), will be secured by ship’s personnel. Alcohol secured by ship’s personnel will be returned to guests just prior to the conclusion of their cruise vacation. Guests who are under the permitted drinking age will not have alcohol returned to them.

The minimum drinking age for all alcoholic beverages on Celebrity Cruises ships sailing from North America is 21. The minimum drinking age for all alcoholic beverages on Celebrity Cruises ships sailing from South America, Europe, Asia, Australia and New Zealand is 18. In certain circumstances where local laws permit or require, Celebrity Cruises may modify this policy which may also require parent/guardian request/authorization. Guests may contact Guest Relations or refer to Celebrity Today for specific minimum drinking age information on their cruise vacation.

For purposes of complying with the minimum drinking age requirements, a guest’s age is established upon boarding at the beginning of the cruise vacation. If a guest celebrates their birthday during the cruise vacation, and thereby becomes of age to consume alcohol, the guest may thereafter ask the Guest Relations Manager to modify ship’s records to permit their consumption of alcohol during the remainder of the vacation. The guest will be required to appear at Guest Relations to present a valid government-issued form of identification to permit verification of their age.

No guest under age 18 may possess or consume alcohol at any time while onboard. No guest under age 21 may possess or consume alcohol at our private destinations. Any guest who goes ashore and consumes alcohol (whether under the supervision of a parent/guardian or not, is responsible for ensuring they consume responsibly and retain their ability to recognize and avoid potentially dangerous situations when they return to the ship. Parents/guardians are reminded they are responsible for the actions of their child/young adult at all times while on a Celebrity Cruises cruise vacation.

Guests who violate any alcohol policy, including but not limited to underage drinking; providing alcohol to minors or young adults; possessing, concealing or attempting to conceal alcoholic items in their luggage, when boarding or while onboard; engaging in alcohol drinking games; or failing to consume alcohol responsibly, will be considered for discipline under the provisions of this policy.

Items with Heating Elements or Open Flames
Certain items that generate heat or produce an open flame are not permitted on ship. This includes clothing irons, hotplates, candles, incense and any other item that may create a fire hazard. Curling irons and hair dryers are allowed.

Drugs or Other Illegal Substances 
No illegal drugs or other illegal substances are allowed onboard or may be utilized during a Celebrity Cruises vacation, including during transfers to and from ships, inside terminals, while onboard, at our ports-of-call, during shore excursions or at our private destinations. Illegal drugs or substances will be confiscated and appropriate action taken, which may include removal from the ship and involvement of appropriate authorities. In addition, foreign governments at Celebrity Cruises ports-of-call have strict laws that address drug possession. Guests found in violation of such laws are subject to arrest and prosecution by the foreign jurisdiction (and perhaps United States or other authorities as well) and may be prevented from re-boarding the ship.

Weapons, Explosives or Other Dangerous Items 
No weapon, explosive, or other item that presents a risk of harm to persons or property, are is permitted on board. The items not permitted on board will be taken by ship’s Security. Items such as dive knives must be reported to ship’s personnel at the time of boarding. They may be permitted on board, but held in safe custody by the ship’s Security staff when not in use ashore. Firearms are not allowed onboard. Guests who declare to ship’s personnel the presence of a firearm (on their person or in their luggage) will be given the opportunity to dispose of the firearm prior to boarding. Guests who fail to declare the presence of a firearm may be denied boarding.

Guests are strongly encouraged to wash their hands with soap and hot water after using the restroom and before eating or handling food. Medical experts say this is one of the best ways to prevent illnesses from starting or spreading.

Illnesses and Isolation of Guests 
Celebrity Cruises follows practices and maintains policies that seek to prevent illnesses from affecting our guests. One of the best ways to prevent the spread of contagious illnesses like gastrointestinal viruses, colds and flu is to wash your hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds with soap and hot water after using the restroom and again before eating anything. In the event you experience symptoms that indicate a gastrointestinal illness, such as diarrhea or vomiting, or know of someone experiencing these symptoms, you must advise the medical staff immediately. In addition, some gastrointestinal illnesses remain contagious up to 72 hours or more after symptoms subside; therefore, if you or someone you know experienced such an illness just prior to your cruise, you must immediately notify the ship’s medical staff. This will permit the crew to take steps to reduce the chance that your illness will spread to others on the ship. Failure to immediately report a contagious illness to the ship’s medical staff, or to accurately describe its onset, greatly increases the likelihood the illness will spread to others and is a violation of this Guest Conduct Policy. In the event of a contagious illness, the ship’s crew will take steps to curtail its spread to other guests, including if necessary, steps set forth in the Consequences Section below.

Fitness to Travel Safely 
Guests with disabilities are not required to travel with another person as a condition to traveling on our ships. However, all guests must consider that crew members are not required to assist guests with personal tasks or personal hygiene needs (e.g. assisting with eating, dressing, toileting). Therefore, guests requiring assistance with these functions should consider these needs when planning a cruise vacation. If there is a question as to a prospective guest’s ability to independently provide for their personal needs or hygiene without being a danger to themselves or others, and the guest plans to travel alone, this situation must be discussed with the company’s Access Department prior to booking a cruise vacation. The Access Department can be reached at or by calling 1.866.592.7225. This will allow an individualized assessment of the guest’s fitness to travel for the duration of the cruise without personal assistance. Unaccompanied guests attempting to board or found onboard without the ability to independently care for their personal needs will be evaluated to determine if they are fit to safely travel without assistance. Guests who are found unfit to travel may be denied boarding or removed from the ship at the next port-of-call. Medication Guests must ensure that they bring an adequate supply of any medication they require for the entire duration of the cruise. The ship’s medical centers may not have a supply of any needed medication and not all medication will be available in the ports-of-call. Guests must not pack medication in checked luggage to ensure you always have immediate access if needed.

Save the Waves Program and Trash/Waste Disposal
Celebrity Cruises maintains a Save the Waves Program that focuses on three key principles: Reducing the creation or generation of waste materials; recycling as much as possible; and ensuring proper disposal of remaining waste. Trash should be properly disposed of in containers provided throughout the ship or in wastebaskets provided in each stateroom. Trash or other foreign objects should never be flushed down a toilet and guests are not permitted to discard any item overboard.

Failure to act in accordance with this policy may result in:

  • Intervention by security, other management personnel, or law enforcement
  • Removal of certain onboard privileges, which may include being detained, quarantined or confined in a cabin or hold cell
  • Confiscation of illegal/contraband/prohibited items (may be turned over to law enforcement authorities)
  • Denial of boarding on the current or any future Celebrity Cruises
  • Reporting of incidents to government and law enforcement Authorities for follow-on legal action
  • Removal from ship at the next port of call. Guests removed from a Celebrity ship pursuant to this policy, are responsible for their own accommodations and transportation home, at their expense. Documentation requirements for re-entry into the guest’s home country are also the responsibility of the guest.

Establishing and articulating a Guest Conduct Policy helps ensure that all guests are able to enjoy a fantastic, safe and secure cruise experience.

U.S. Cruises, Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI) – Open Loop – OR U.S. Cruises that Begin and/or End in Canadian Ports

U.S. Citizens
U.S. citizens that board a cruise ship at a port within the U.S., travel only within the Western Hemisphere and return to a different U.S. port on the same ship will require a valid Passport, U.S. Passport Card, Enhanced Driver’s License, or Trusted Traveler Program Card such as Nexus, Sentri or Fast.

Canadian Citizens
Canadian citizens that board a cruise ship at a port within the U.S., travel within the Western Hemisphere and return to a different U.S. port on the same ship will require a valid Passport, Enhanced Driver’s License or Trusted Traveler Program Card such as Nexus, Sentri, or Fast.

All Others
All other citizens that board a cruise ship at a port within the U.S., travel within the Western Hemisphere and return to a different U.S. port on the same ship will require a valid Passport or U.S. Alien Registration Card.

U.S. Cruises, Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI) – Closed Loop

U.S. Citizens
Option 1: U.S. citizens that board a cruise ship at a port within the U.S., travel within the Western Hemisphere, and return to the same U.S. port on the same ship will require a valid Passport, U.S. Passport Card, Enhanced Driver’s License or Trusted Traveler Program Card such as Nexus, Sentri or Fast.

Option 2: In the absence of any of the documents listed above, U.S. citizens will need to present BOTH an identification and citizenship document from each of the lists below in order to board the ship.

Identification Document

  • Government Issued photo identification card

Citizenship Documents

  • U.S. Government Issued Birth Certificate (original)
  • U.S. Certificate of Naturalization (original)
  • U.S. Consular Birth Abroad Certificate (original)

Canadian Citizens
Canadian citizens that board a cruise ship at a port within the U.S., travel only within the Western Hemisphere, and return to the same port on the same ship will require a valid Passport, Enhanced Driver’s License or Trusted Traveler Program Card such as Nexus, Sentri, or Fast.

All Others
All other citizens that board a cruise ship at a port in the U.S., travel only within the Western Hemisphere, and return to the same U.S. port on the same ship will require a valid Passport or U.S. Alien Registration Card.

To learn more please visit this webpage:

Weapons, illegal drugs, and other items that could interfere with the safe operation of the ship or the safe and secure environment of our guests and crew are prohibited. The United States Transportation Security Administration also recommends that you do not pack fragile or expensive items (such as jewelry) in checked luggage.

The following are examples of items that guests are not allowed to bring onboard. These and other similar items will be confiscated upon being found. Alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, flammable liquids, explosives, and dangerous chemicals will not be returned.

  • Firearms & Ammunition, including realistic replicas.
  • *Sharp Objects, including knives and scissors.
  • Illegal Drugs & Substances
  • Aerial Drones
  • Candles & Incense
  • **Coffee Makers, Clothes Irons, & Hot Plates
  • Baseball Bats, Hockey Sticks, Cricket Bats, Bows & Arrows •
  • Skateboards & Surfboards
  • Martial Arts Gear
  • Self-Defense Gear, including handcuffs, pepper spray, night sticks.
  • Flammable Liquids and Explosives, including lighter fluid and fireworks.
  • HAM Radios
  • Hookahs & Water Hookah Pipes.
  • Electrical Extension Cords
  • Dangerous Chemicals, including bleach and paint.
  • ***Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Beverages
  • Potentially hazardous food and/or food that requires refrigeration.


*Personal grooming items such as safety razors are allowed. Scissors with blade length less than 4 inches are allowed.

**Items that generate heat or produce an open flame. This includes heating pads, clothing irons, hotplates, candles, incense and any other item that may create a fire hazard. NOTE: The only exception to this policy are curling irons and hair straighteners. Matches and normal lighteners are allowed onboard. However “torch lighters” and novelty lighters that look like guns are not allowed onboard. Torch lighters emit a powerful concentrated flame, and therefore are prohibited.

***Alcoholic beverages that are purchased in ports-of-call or from shops onboard will be stored by the ship and delivered to you on the last day of the sailing. Alcoholic beverages seized on embarkation day will not be returned.

Charter FAQs

• Complete customization of your program and itinerary
• Unlimited branding opportunities
• Prestige & Exclusivity – People feel honored and excited when they board a privately chartered ship
• Undivided Attention from the Ship’s Staff – entire staff and crew devote 100% of their attention and resources to you and your program

Corporate – A company purchases all staterooms for a meeting or incentive program and provides those staterooms at no charge to its employees, customers or vendors.

• Meetings & Conferences
• Product Launches
• Fundraisers
• Incentive Programs
• Tradeshows

Affinity or Promotional (Re-Sale): An organization charters the ship with the intention to re-sell staterooms to consumers sharing a common interest OR as a general Re-Sale to non-related consumers. The client will usually create unique
onboard programming and will charge for the exclusive opportunity.

The primary categories of affinity or promotional (Re-Sale) programs are:
• Music & Entertainment
• Lifestyle
• Fan-conventions
• Religious

• A passionate fan-based is the key to a resale charter
• Extremely strong affinity or cult-like following
• Entertainment or charitable component
• Ability to market to & reach intended audience
• Exclusive and/or unique customized onboard experience

Celebrity Cruises does not typically consider Full Ship Charter requests within 12 months of the requested sail date and/or for those sailings booked above a pre-determined threshold. Most clients charter one year in advance and some as far out as two or more years.

Particularly for Re-Sale business, it is in the best interest of the client to allow ample time to promote the charter (12 + months). The cost of displacing booked guests will be a factor for any “open” sailing and will generally be lower if the charter is contracted farther out.

The charter rate will be based on full double occupancy regardless of how many people sail, and pre-paid gratuities based on double occupancy. The client will be responsible for meeting an onboard revenue target and taxes & fees based on the actual number of guests that sail.

Pricing varies based on ship, sail date, itinerary and level of customization.

Private cruise charter pricing includes:
• ship accommodations
• ocean transportation
• most meals
• most non-alcoholic beverages
• most entertainment aboard the ship

Charter pricing does NOT include:
• air transportation
• transfers to and/or from the vessel
• optional shore excursions and/or private arrangements requested for site
inspection trips
• meals and accommodations ashore
• certain beverages
• casino gaming
• photographs
• gratuities (shipboard or shoreside porterage)
• telephone calls or internet services
• specialty restaurant charges
• purchases from ship stores
• items of a personal nature (medical services, laundry, spa or salon
• meeting break or special event set-up fees
• technical and broadcast fees when applicable
• expedited shipping fees for documents
• customization of documents

To maximize value, the number of participants should be close to the double occupancy capacity of the ship under consideration. Should the chartered sailing fall below full double occupancy level, the client is responsible for meeting or exceeding a certain onboard revenue expectation.

The private charter cruise rate provided to the client will be based on our standard product. Any requested change to standard operation may impact the charter rate or result in incremental fees. Examples are:

• Requests to close any revenue center (ex: casino, bars, art auctions, etc.)
• Requests to significantly change menus
• Custom itinerary requests that impact fuel, port fees, security, etc. and/or
changes to contracted itinerary requested post-contract
• Custom itinerary requests to remain alongside for an extended period
• Food & Beverage events not offered on a non-chartered sailing
• Customized entertainment requests
• Incremental power supply and/or connectors required for customized
onboard performances
• Tender services requested above Celebrity Cruises standard
• Special services such as: fireworks, flyovers, banners, decorations, etc
• Requests to provide special products onboard during the charter

The simplest type of itinerary customization involves changing ports of call within an itinerary while keeping the departure/arrival city and dates as scheduled. All itineraries from the U.S. must involve at least one foreign port of call. Incremental costs associated with the custom itinerary request will be included in the initial charter quote and/or provided as an optional line item. A more complex itinerary change involves creating a unique itinerary length by combining all or a portion of several cruises without changing the departure /arrival city. For example, a 7-night sailing may be created by combining 3 and 4-night sailings or a short itinerary may be created by splitting a 7-night sailing into two sailings (a 3 night and a 4-night) if Celebrity Cruises is willing to sell the resulting unique itinerary. While possible, significant costs may apply for this type of itinerary change and it is always best to find an existing itinerary whenever possible. Opportunities that involve repositioning ships from regularly scheduled departure / arrival cities, and particularly those that involve a request to turn the ship in a port of call that we don’t typically use, may or may not be possible. A considerable amount of time is needed to research, and significant incremental costs will most likely apply. Cruises to Nowhere are not
typically considered due to tax implications.

Option 1: Staggered Payments with Letter of Credit
• 10% of charter rate and pre-paid gratuities at contract signing
• 30% of charter rate and pre-paid gratuities at 7 months prior to sailing
• 30% of charter rate and pre-paid gratuities at 5 months prior to sailing
• 30% of charter rate and pre-paid gratuities at 3 months prior to sailing
• Pre-paid taxes and requested amenities at 3 months prior to sailing
• An Irrevocable Stand-By Letter of Credit at contract signing

Option 2: Payment in Full at Contract Signing – No Letter of Credit
• 100% of charter rate and pre-paid gratuities at contract signing
• Interest credit earned to be provided as a shipboard credit on the charter
• Payment is non-refundable.

Payment for per person taxes & fees, expected OBR penalties (if applicable), requested amenities and other miscellaneous fees relating to customization will be required 30 days prior to sailing and/or prior to the release of documents. Requests for alternate custom payment arrangements may be considered and must be discussed with the responsible Charter Sales Manager. All payments to be made U.S. Dollars unless otherwise agreed.

An Irrevocable Stand-By Letter of Credit is issued by the client’s bank and confirmed by a bank designated by Celebrity Cruises to confirm the client’s ability to perform under the terms of the contract. If the client’s bank is rated BBB or higher by both S&P and Moody’s, a confirmation is not required. As the beneficiary, Celebrity Cruises is able to draw upon the LOC to collect
payment should the client default on the Agreement. The LOC is required from contract signing and is held for 60 days post-sailing to insure all balances are paid and that there have not been damages to the ship. The LOC is reduced each time a payment is received but held at a pre-determined threshold until the agreed upon expiration date.

The Letter of Credit is required with a Full Ship Charter Program because Celebrity Cruises loses all ability to market and sell the chartered sailing once an Agreement is signed. Should the client default on the Agreement, we would most likely not have the ability to fill the ship and would suffer significant financial loss.

Unlike a large group contract, there is no provision in the Full Ship Charter Agreement that allows for cancellation of the program and/or for any number of staterooms. A client cannot choose to change to a large group once signed as a charter.

No. The client must have the ability to handle or work though a travel partner to market the program, answer questions, accept payment (if applicable), assign staterooms, etc.

Not necessarily – although we do prefer:
• A history of chartering ships of a similar size with us or our competitors
• A history of sailing as a large group with growth from year to year
• A history of promoting and selling large land programs on a similar scale

Full Ship Charters are quoted on a net basis and do not include commission. The agency or incentive house must determine the value of their services and add that to the quotation before presenting to the client.

Full Ship Charters are not considered when calculating agency goals and/or overrides.

The client is responsible for determining the pricing model for a Re-Sale Full Ship Charter program. Celebrity Cruises cannot legally advise the client how to price staterooms on a chartered sailing.

No. The client is responsible for the marketing program of the chartered sailing. Existing brand collateral can be provided to assist with promotion.

The Full Ship Charter Qualification form should be used as a guide by the ISR, SAM or KAM in determining whether or not the business is viable and worth pursuing. This form is an internal document and should not be forwarded to agency partners or incentive houses. The form should be completed as thoroughly as possible and presented via email to the National Charter Sales
Manager. A properly qualified lead will be reviewed and followed up on with the client, agency or incentive house directly by the NCSM.

The agency may also contact our Corporate Sales Desk to qualify the business and/or to request a quote at 1-800-722-5934 (Charter Referral Fee will not apply). We do not provide quotations without complete client information.

Once business has been properly qualified, it takes approximately one to two business days to receive a formal proposal on standard requests. Customized requests can take significantly longer depending on the level of customization.

Tom Dougher
North America Charter Sales Manager
T 404-630-0557

Meeting and/or Incentive group quotation requests are addressed by the Corporate Sales Team at 1-800-722-5934.

Affinity and Promotional group quotation requests are addressed by the High Complexity Group Department at 1-800-963-0311.

Strong value proposition! Industry’s most revolutionary cruise line, offering dedicated meeting rooms as well as a multitude of venues to facilitate your events. A variety of choices for dining, entertainment, shipboard & shore activities are available in addition to a numerous of program customization options. Our dedicated Corporate Sales & Event Planning Team will support you every step of the way to ensure your event is a huge success.

Incentive Groups – reward incentives include employee, vendor, member and or customers

Meeting Groups – conferences (company or associations), company paid/non-paid meetings, professional certification classes, trade shows, or product launches

Group FAQs

Accommodations, most meals, 24-hour room service, shipboard activities, entertainment, casino, state-of-the-art Spa & Fitness Center, exciting itineraries and ports of call, meeting space with audio/visual equipment, coffee breaks (set-up fee applies) and intuitive service are all included.

Shore excursions, soft drinks, bottled water and alcoholic beverages, government taxes and fees, gratuities, spa services, specialty restaurants, duty free shopping purchases, photographs, casino gambling and any other personal incidentals. Please note that many of these items can be prepaid.

All our ships have a dedicated Onboard Event Coordinator. Prior to your program they will correspond with your group advocate on the plan for the group and will assist you through all the stages of your program onboard. This is complimentary service!

Our ships offer a variety of corporate event venues. Seating capacities and configurations vary depending on ship. Meeting space is complimentary and based on availability at the time of booking.

Based on availability, standard audio/video equipment is available free of charge. Equipment such as LCD projectors, overhead projectors, slide projectors, screens, TVs, DVD player, flipcharts, laser pointers, microphones, podiums and more are standard on all ships.

Tech Fees are applicable if a tech is required to operate equipment during event.

Yes, it can be done in advance and is booked and confirmed by your group advocate prior to boarding.

Internet access is available on all ships. Xcelerate high speed internet at sea allows you to surf the web, make and receive calls, send text messages, video chat, stream shows, and more. Prepaid packages are available.

A valid passport is required for travel. For your protection, we recommend that your passport expiration date be valid for six (6) months from the sailing termination date.

The boarding time for your ship and sailing date is specified in your Cruise Documents. Please do not plan on arriving at the pier earlier than the specified time as the ship will not be ready to board guests. Early boarding can be arranged in advance for your program’s travel staff, VIP’s and production crew.

Once the ship has received proper clearance from the port, disembarkation can begin. Specific disembarkation details will be delivered to your stateroom the day prior to the last day of the cruise. We recommend flights are not booked until noon.

Celebrity Cruises offers standard “Coffee Break” set ups for meetings/conferences. A minimal set up fee per person applies. In addition, we offer an extensive array of culinary and beverage packages for purchase for your private receptions, meetings and events.

Celebrity Cruises provides you with a menu of options to customize your program. From private receptions and team building events to turndown gifts and customized group shore excursions. We also welcome your customization options!

We can assist you in arranging private and customized group shore excursions. Arrangements for private shore excursions need to be made during the planning process of the program.

We do not charge for conference rooms and function venues for your private events. In addition, all standard audio-visual equipment is complimentary. Should you want to customize your event with additional amenities (food, beverage, entertainment, etc.) and/or require assistance from technicians, additional fees will apply.

We can secure your private function space for events in the contract stage so that all confirmed space is noted in your group contract. Once contract is executed we will continue to partner with you up until sailing to finalize your onboard programming needs.

Celebrity Cruises’ highest priority is to ensure the safety and security of all guests. We have established strict security procedures in the seaport terminals and onboard all our vessels. These measures include screening all guests and their personal property prior to boarding.

Spa treatments can be pre-booked during the planning process of the program. Space is limited and is based on availability.

You may purchase one-way or round-trip airport transfers during the planning process of the program. A Celebrity Cruises representative will meet you either in baggage claim or outside of customs for international flights. After you have claimed your luggage, we’ll escort you to our airconditioned motor coach for a ride to the pier in comfort.

A master account may be set up during the planning process of the program.

During the planning process of the program we can secure a reserved section for your group in our Main Restaurant. Round robin dining is available as long as gratuities are prepaid for the group. Groups have the choice of main
5 or late seating as well as select dining. Space is limited and is based on availability.

For a nominal fee, we also offer group reservations in our Specialty Restaurants as well as full restaurant buy-outs.

Gratuities must be pre-paid for all meeting and incentive programs.

Whether you have a group of 16 guests or would like to charter a ship for 3,000 + guests, we have the ship and facilities to accommodate your program needs.

A cruise program can save you significantly when compared to a land-based resort. On a Celebrity cruise most of your program costs are included in your cruise fare such as: accommodations, meals, entertainment, onboard activities, fitness facilities, meeting space and audio-visual equipment, coffee breaks and more! There is no greater value proposition than a “meeting or incentive program at sea”!

Our incentive/meeting groups usually book 12-18 months ahead of their program. We can also quote outside of our deployed inventory.

Celebrity Cruises can provide you with a variety of marketing materials to assist you in your efforts to promote your program including images, videos, brochures, postcards and flyers.

Yes, site inspections are a great way to experience our product, hardware and service. Our corporate sales desk will be able to assist with availability and pricing.

Yes, rather than traveling as a group, you can book individual incentive travel through our cruise gift cards and certificates and the guest can redeem their reward when it is most convenient for them.

For a group or charter proposal, please contact our Corporate Incentive, Meeting & Charter Sales Team at (800) 722-5934, Option 1, then Option 1

For assistance with an existing group event. Please contact our Corporate Event Planning Team at (800) 722-5934, Option 1, then Option 2

Affinity and Promotional group quotation requests are addressed by the High Complexity Group Department at 1-800-963-0311.

If you have questions or are looking for a quote or additional information for your meeting, incentive, or event, please contact us: 1-800-722-5934